A Special Licence represents exceptional permission given by the Archbishop of Canterbury to get married in a particular place. It is relatively rare to require one.
A bride holding her bouquet

If you want to marry in a church outside your own parish, and genuinely feel that you have a connection that is not covered by any of the legally-recognised connections, then you may be able to apply for a Special Licence.

Another typical example of a case to apply for a Special Licence is if you’d like to marry in the chapel of a school or college where you used to attend. Because they’re not parish churches, a Special Licence is required to make weddings legally possible there.

Talk to the vicar who should be able to help you with the application, which is sent to:

Faculty Office of the Archbishop of Canterbury
1 The Sanctuary,
Tel: 0207 2225381

The fee for this will be around £325.

We want to help you find a way to marry in your preferred church but Special Licences are not automatically granted. Be sure to plan well in advance of your wedding to expand your options.

Source URL: https://www.churchofengland.org/life-events/your-church-wedding/just-engaged/special-licences