Coming Home - Hero Image

Sustainable, Safe, Stable, Sociable and Satisfying

Our 5 values

For too long, the debate over how to solve the housing crisis has been a numbers game: in particular, how many new houses a year will be enough. What has been missing is a positive vision of what good housing looks like.

This report highlights five core values that set a new standard and vision for what good housing should look like. A good home is a place that enables us to live in harmony with the natural environment, it is a place where we feel safe, it enables us to put down roots and belong to a community, it is a place we enjoy living in and which is a delight to come home to. In other words, homes should be:

  • Sustainable
  • Safe
  • Stable
  • Sociable
  • Satisfying

We need your help to get everyone to support, adopt and share these values widely

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A good home is a place that enables us to live in harmony with the natural environment; it is a place where we feel safe; it enables us to put down roots and belong to a community; it is a place we enjoy living in and delight to come home to.

Fundamentally, we believe that a home should be five things: sustainable, safe, stable, sociable and satisfying. These core values derive from our Christian story, though we believe they will resonate with people of all faiths and of none.

"These core values derive from our Christian story, though we believe they will resonate with people of all faiths and of none."

In summary, a good home is a place that enables us to live in harmony with the natural environment, it is a place where we feel safe, it is affordable and enables us to put down roots and feel part of a community. It is a place that we enjoy living in and delight to come home to.

The Commission’s hope is that this vision will become an accepted standard across the housing sector, and inspire us to create the homes and communities our society needs. Our homes should be a foretaste of God’s kingdom – our true home when God makes his home with us.

“Community means a place where you feel at home, a place where you feel loved, a place where people care about you and they’ll help you if you need it.”

Rebecca Winfrey, Pastoral Worker (St George’s Stamford)

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