Read a selection of blogs from churches and faith communities.
  1. Lighthouse

    Church for those who are battered and bruised by the storms of life


    Lighthouse is a fresh expression of church, specifically tailored to those who ‘are battered and bruised by the storms of life’. Many of their community have experienced homelessness, addiction issues, poverty and mental health problems.

    4 min read
  2. Newham

    ‘Give what you have in your hand to Jesus’ – how is your church using its property?


    Paul Whitnall has met with hundreds of churches to help them think about how the can use their buildings missionally, creating a 'Church Informal Audit'. The Archbishop of Canterbury's Housing Commission talked to him about his work.

    4 min read
  3. Egypt Hospital Children

    Lessons from Egypt: how the church can build community and tackle the housing crisis


    The Archbishop of Canterbury’s Commission on Housing, Church and Community seeks to enable churches to play their part in tackling the housing crisis. To do this, we’re learning from those churches who are already doing this well. The work of the Most Revd Dr Mouneer Anis, the Bishop of Egypt, is world-renowned, so we spoke to him about it.

    3 min read
  4. Assembly '18

    ‘We’re not a pressure group’ – can churches broker progress on affordable housing?


    St Barnabas and Christ the Saviour started a successful campaign about affordable housing. The Archbishop of Canterbury’s Commission on Housing, Church and Community wants to encourage churches to follow their lead.

    4 min read
  5. Pye green room interior black and white

    ‘God-given miracles’ – how a house church became a church of houses


    Pye Green Christian Centre started out as a house-church in the 1990s. The house they were meeting in was empty, and this made them uncomfortable – it didn’t feel like the best use of space. They found someone who needed a home, and they let them live there. While this didn’t last long, a new mission for the church had been born: to house those in need.

    4 min read
  6. White house

    ‘My home isn’t my castle’: the church who live together


    The Archbishops’ Housing Commission is exploring a new attitude to housing which puts an emphasis on human flourishing and sociability, not just shelter. We believe that this is important for everyone, but it presents particular opportunities for people of faith who want to take it to the next level. We found out about Müller House in Bristol, where people live, eat, pray and journey together.

    4 min read
  7. Hope 4 All

    Knowledge is power: churches can train people about their housing rights


    One of the hardest things about the housing system is that it’s confusing. Adeola Ogunade saw this first-hand working as a Housing Resettlement Officer with the probation service. She thought that she could do more to help people in this situation, so she got together a group of people – from her church and beyond – who also had experience with the housing system. She started the Hope4All housing surgery, providing free training and support on housing issues.

    3 min read
  8. Thumbnail - Church of England logo

    There’s no silver bullet – one church’s holistic approach to housing need


    The team at St Barnabas Church in Wigan hear all sorts of stories. In one of the most deprived parishes in the country, the bedroom tax isn’t the only issue affecting the stability of people’s homes. Unemployment is high in the area, and drug and alcohol abuse are common. St Barnabas felt compelled to act. There’s no one silver bullet, so they take a variety of approaches.

    4 min read
  9. 8 people in high vis jackets

    New housemates: the Quakers who share their building with young people at risk of homelessness


    The Friends’ Meeting House in Tunbridge Wells, where the Quakers met, was considerably larger than they needed. As the Quakers only needed half of their building, they realised that the other half could be used to provide a ‘stepping stone’ to independent living for young people who were moving on from supported accommodation at the local YMCA. Habitat for Humanity GB Homes were able to help.

    5 min read
  10. Stamford coffee morning

    ‘The glue between different agencies’ – how a church brought people together to address housing issues


    Although Stamford might appear very affluent, there is another side to the town. ‘We have this beautiful looking church, full of posh, middle class people and then people who can’t afford the electric or to put food on the table’. By addressing multiple issues – such as debt, mental health problems, addiction and relationship breakdown – St George’s helps people to secure a stable home and provides a community where people can feel a sense of belonging.

    5 min read

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