This blog is written by a member of the independent Commission. These views do not necessarily represent the views of the Archbishops' or the Church of England.

At the General Synod in July 2021, there was overwhelming support for our motion “The housing crisis harms all society and responding to housing need is an integral part of the mission and ministry of the Church of England, particularly in so far as it affects the poorest and most marginalised”.

Work has been done on mapping, particularly in Gloucester diocese and Newham deanery in the diocese of Chelmsford. This level of work involved questionnaires and surveys, looking at the work of the church in these places. In all our work, our interest isn’t confined to place – it’s about people and community.

Bishop Guli has spoken on Coming Home at housing events, including Gloucester Diocese’s zoom conference in May 2021, Housing and Build to Rent in July 2021, a Church conference on Homelessness and Housing in July, and CIH Housing 2021, Manchester, September.

The Executive Team are developing relationships with Homes England, the Local Government Association, the Greater London Authority, many local councils, NHS England (re supported living), many developers and housing associations, many suppliers of low-carbon solutions, and financial and charitable organisations.

The Advisory Board and Exec Team are in the early stages of considering whether the Church should have its own Housing Association. When we build a community on church land, we want to (a) ensure that social/affordable housing keeps this intention in perpetuity, (b) we want to ensure that our Five Values are maintained. 

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