A new report detailing how clergy have fared in the Covid pandemic is published today as part of the latest findings from the Church of England’s Living Ministry research programme.
A vicar with a green mask on is seen smiling inside a church to a parishoner

Clergy Wellbeing in a Time of Covid: Autonomy, Accountability and Support, sets out how clergy have reported on their levels of physical, mental, spiritual, relational and financial wellbeing during the pandemic. The study also reports on respondents’ perspectives relating to autonomy, accountability and support.

A second Living Ministry research report, ‘You don’t really get it until you’re in it - meeting the challenges of ordained ministry’ analyses interviews with 61 clergy on their experiences at key stages of their ministry, including starting curacies and incumbent posts and later in their careers. 

Dr Liz Graveling, who oversees the research programme, said: “While our latest panel survey reveals widely varying experiences of clergy during the pandemic, it will be of little surprise that the biggest impacts on wellbeing were in the areas of mental health and relationships. 

“However, taken together and as part of a ten-year study, these reports tell us that strong connections with other people were crucial to clergy wellbeing before as well as during the pandemic and that both individual clergy and the wider church have a role to play in ensuring that ordained ministers receive appropriate personal and professional support as they face the challenges of their ministry.”

The Living Ministry programme is a 10-year research project into the flourishing of Church of England ordained ministers. The project, which launched in 2017, publishes regular updates on its findings for distribution among dioceses, theological education institutions and national church bodies.

More information

  • Living Ministry is following four cohorts of clergy through ten years of their ministry to explore what helps ordained ministers to flourish. Clergy ordained in 2006, 2011 and 2015, and those who entered training in 2016 are invited to take part in an online survey and qualitative interviews every two years. 
  • Clergy Wellbeing in a Time of Covid: Autonomy, Accountability and Support was conducted in March 2021 and is based on findings from an online survey of 521 clergy. You don’t really get it until you’re in it – meeting the challenges of ordained ministry’ is based on interviews with  61 clergy that took place at the end of 2019.

Source URL: https://www.churchofengland.org/media/press-releases/clergy-wellbeing-during-pandemic-analysed-new-report