Two people looking at a desktop computer screen displaying the Leading in Evangelism website

Leading in Evangelism is an online resource supporting leaders to create and sustain a faith-sharing culture. 

Most church leaders hope to see their church engaged in fruitful evangelism, to see people coming to faith. But not everyone or every church feels confident in this area and most would say that there is not as much happening in this area as they would like.

There are lots of great resources that help train people for evangelism or even to use as part of an outreach, but there is a step that goes before this. Leading in Evangelism is a new online, 'in your own time' learning resource that supports leaders to do the kind of thinking needed to develop a culture and plan for evangelism that suits their context. 

Leading in Evangelism can support you to:

  • increase confidence when it comes to planning for and enabling evangelism
  • identify and train a team with whom you can share responsibility
  • develop a plan that suits you and your church.

To find out more about more or register, use the button below.

Leading in Evangelism

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