As a sub-committee of the House of Bishops, the Standing Commission supports the House of Bishops and dioceses with monitoring the implementation of the Declaration and the Five Guiding Principles, and disseminating good practice at all levels within the Church in this area.

Read the full terms of reference.


The Rt Revd Dr Michael Ipgrave*

The Rt Revd Dr Jonathan Baker*
The Rt Revd Dr Rob Munro
The Rt Revd Sarah Clark

The Ven Dr Miranda Threlfall-Holmes*
The Revd Canon Tim Goode
The Ven Pete Spiers*
The Revd Adam Gaunt*
The Revd Charlie Skrine*
The Revd Canon Kate Massey*
The Revd Canon Roxanne Eversley

Dr Ros Clarke*
Mrs Emma Joy Gregory*
Mrs Addy Lazz-Onyenobi*
The Right Worshipful Peter Collier KC*

*General Synod member

Annual reports

Work done by the Commission

Contact the Standing Commission

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