Racial Justice

Racial justice is a major priority for the Church of England and this has implications for the way we do ecumenism.  The 2021 report, From Lament to Action stated, “In our work as the Taskforce, we have considered 25 reports from the mid-80s onwards with a total of more than 160 recommendations… Since then, the Church of England has considered motion after motion, debate after debate, yet we still find ourselves in the position where – throughout our life as a church – the flourishing of UKME/GMH Anglicans is hard to discern.”

We will seek to embed racial justice as a theme across our strategy for local ecumenism. We need to be relentless in our pursuit of a better way of being Church. Ecumenism is primarily about unity in diversity, and this should be reflected in the way we function.

Source URL: https://www.churchofengland.org/about/building-relationships/ecumenical-relations/working-together-locally/racial-justice