The National Safeguarding Team, NST, along with the relevant diocese, is examining if there is any immediate safeguarding risk in light of criticisms made of individuals in the Makin review report. They are also considering any new evidence in the report to assess if there is any ongoing safeguarding risk and if there is evidence to support any disciplinary process with regard to those individuals, where they are still under the authority or oversight of the Church of England.

The NST has previously considered some evidence that was available from other sources, and is now reviewing all decisions that were previously made, alongside examining whether there is any new evidence which also needs to be taken into account.

This new work is underway, with a large number of safeguarding assessments already having taken place. The NST aims to complete the process by General Synod in February. If this timeframe changes those impacted will be made aware.

The NST is following a four-stage process. Stage one is an initial assessment of risk, examining if anyone criticised in the review is an immediate safeguarding risk of harm to others or not. This work is being undertaken by DSOs, CSOs and the NST. It is important to note that if someone is considered not to be an immediate risk that this does not exclude them from consideration under stages two, three or four of the process.

It is also important to note that the NST’s initial responsibility is to examine safeguarding risk. Their work may then lead to other processes including capability or disciplinary, which hold people to account for failures of safeguarding, conduct, or other aspects of leadership responsibility, or for actions which have caused reputational harm. It is for each diocese to come to a decision using disciplinary, capability, or other appropriate processes.

Stage two of the NST process is a more in-depth assessment to be completed by Regional Safeguarding Leads, after which recommendations will be made. Stage three is an examination of the assessment made in stage two by senior members of the NST, plus two independent and one senior lawyer in the NCI Legal Office, after which decisions will be made to determine what action will be taken in respect of individuals, including where appropriate disciplinary action. Stage four is a robust external scrutiny of those decisions by an independent barrister. If a decision is taken to make a Complaint against a clergy office holder under the Clergy Discipline Measure (CDM), it is at this point that the Respondent will have the opportunity to have input into the process.

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