Pensions Board Financial Statements

Our financial year ends on 31 December and we publish our Annual Report and Accounts within seven months of the year end.

Find our annual reports and other financial statements below.

2023 Annual Report and Accounts

We produce a full Annual Report, which covers our activities in detail, along with our Annual Review which is a snapshot report covering highlights of the year. The Annual Report and Accounts for our pensions schemes include a new report focusing on requirements under the 'Taskforce for Climate Related Disclosures.' We also publish an Annual Stewardship report.

2022 Annual Report and Accounts

We produce a full Annual Report, which covers our activities in detail, along with our Annual Review which is a snapshot report covering highlights of the year. The Annual Report and Accounts for our pensions schemes include a new report focusing on requirements under the 'Taskforce for Climate Related Disclosures.' We also publish an Annual Stewardship report.

2021 Annual Report and Accounts

We produce a full Annual Report, which covers our activities in detail. We also produce an Annual Review which is a snapshot report highlighting the key points behind the full Annual Report. 

2020 Annual Report and Accounts

We produce a full Annual Report, which covers our activities in detail. We also produce an Annual Review which is a snapshot report highlighting the key points behind the full Annual Report. 

2019 Annual Report and Accounts

We produce a full Annual Report, which covers our activities in detail. We also produce an Annual Review which is a snapshot report highlighting the key points behind the full Annual Report. 

2018 Annual Report and Accounts

We produce a full Annual Report, which covers our activities in detail. We also produce an Annual Review which is a snapshot report highlighting the key points behind the full Annual Report. 

2017 Annual Report and Accounts

We produce a full Annual Report, which covers our activities in detail. We also produce an Annual Review which is a snapshot report highlighting the key points behind the full Annual Report. 

2016 Annual Report and Accounts

We produce a full Annual Report, which covers our activities in detail. We also produce an Annual Review which is a snapshot report highlighting the key points behind the full Annual Report. 

2015 Annual Report and Accounts

Here is our 2015 Annual Report and Accounts, our Annual Review which is a snapshot report highlighting the key points behind the full Annual Report, plus our charity financial statements.

2014 Annual Report and Accounts

Here is our 2014 Annual Report and Accounts, plus our Annual Review which is a snapshot report highlighting the key points behind the full Annual Report.

2013 Annual Report and Accounts

Here is our 2013 Annual Report and Accounts, plus our Annual Review which is a snapshot report highlighting the key points behind the full Annual Report.

2012 Annual Report and Accounts

Here is our 2012 Annual Report and Accounts, plus our Annual Review which is a snapshot report highlighting the key points behind the full Annual Report.

Summary Funding Statements and Actuarial Reports

We run a full and independent financial check on all our pension schemes every 3 years. This check is to make sure we are on track to provide everyone's promised pension. These checks are called an actuarial valuation.

In the years between valuations we review how the scheme's finances have progressed with an annual actuarial report.  You can find the results of recent actuarial valuations and the annual reports below. 

We are required to keep all our members up to date on how the finances of their pension is progressing. We do this using a Summary Funding Statement. Find recent statements below. 

Clergy - Summary Funding Statements

Aimed at members - our Summary Funding Statement is a way to keep up to date with how the finances of the Clergy pension scheme is progressing.

CWPF - Summary Funding Statements

Aimed at members - our Summary Funding Statement is a way to keep up to date with how the finances of the sections of CWPF is progressing.

Clergy - Actuarial valuations and annual snapshot reports

Our last full valuation was at 31 December 2021. Our next full valuation will be as at 31 December 2024.

Find the results of previous valuations, plus the interim snapshot updates, called annual actuarial reports here.

CWPF - Actuarial valuations and annual snapshot reports

Our last full valuation was at 31 December 2022. The next full valuation will be as at 31 December 2022.

Find the results of previous valuations, plus the interim snapshot updates, called annual actuarial reports here.