Prayer following unrest and violence in the United Kingdom

Police overseeing a protest in Manchester

Following the unrest and violence across towns and cities in the United Kingdom in recent days,
We pray for all the communities affected;
For all those left injured, traumatised or afraid;
For the police and all at national and local level seeking to restore public order and bring perpetrators to justice;
For places of worship in the affected areas;
And all people of faith and goodwill seeking to promote peace and respect in the fact of violence and hatred.

Teach us, O Lord, the way of your statutes;
and lead us in the path of your commandments.

Keep our nation under your care;
and guide us in justice and truth.

We ask this through Jesus Christ our Lord.

See also:

A new set of prayers in response to the recent civil unrest has also been published by the Church of England Racial Justice Unit. 

These Prayers for Peace during Civil Unrest and Racial Tension are designed for use either in churches or individual prayer.