Generosity Week Resources for Churches

Colourful graphic featuring figures playing in a park with a backdrop of buildings, trees, hills, clouds and sun
This year's Generosity Week is Sunday 28th September - Sunday 5th October, but feel free to use any of the resources below any time.

The official dates cover two Sundays to give churches double the opportunity to explore generosity when they meet on a Sunday – one to consider with gratitude God’s generosity to us and the other to prayerfully work out our response to that generosity.

You can run a Generosity Week in your church to coincide with your Harvest Festival, but if that doesn't work for you, don't let it put you off.  We are called to be generous 365 days a year, so run it whenever suits you!

Take a look below at the various resources your church might use during a Generosity Week. You may wish to use all the resources available or just a selection.


To help you start promoting Generosity Week and begin planning, take these four steps:

  1. Pick a week - the national week runs from Sunday 28th September to Sunday 5th October but if another time works better for you, do it then.
  2. Contact your local Diocesan Giving Advisor for help and advice.
  3. Choose what to do - think what your church needs, look through the resources available, consider how much people can help and choose between one and three activities.
  4. Plan your Sundays - two Sundays works well as it gives you one chance to explore gratitude and one to consider generosity. To get you started, there are service outlines, sermon starters and prayers – all generosity themed.

Walk Through the Resources

This document shows you how all the Generosity Week resources fit together, along with how and where to use them. You will see only 2024 branded resources are available at the moment, but they will be replaced with the 2025 materials by the end of February.

Generosity Week Newsletter

See back issues of the newsletter on this page.

Celebrating our Legacy

This session explores the material and spiritual legacy we have received from the things that we value, and what our role might be in passing on that legacy to future generations.

Generosity Week and young people

Whether there'll be a Sunday school happening in the parish over the summer or not, this colourful table of eight mini challenges will offer something absorbing for children to do while helping them to think about generosity:

You might also like to try this service idea from the Diocese of Blackburn, which helps children/young people think about the generosity of David:

Engaging with the community

Download and read this helpful flyer (PDF) for ideas on engaging with the wider community during Generosity Week.

Launching the Parish Giving Scheme

If you’re planning to launch PGS for the very first time since your PCC joined the Scheme, or if it’s been a little while since you talked about PGS with your givers, this guide may be helpful for your PCC and other leaders to stimulate new conversations during Generosity Week.

Download the PGS Guide for PCCs and churches.

Films, Reflections and Activities

In this eight-day reading plan, Director of Giving, Jonathan de Bernhardt Wood, explores the simple, powerful moment in which Mary, a friend and follower of Jesus, displays the kind of astonishing generosity God Himself pours out on us.

Resources for Services

The Generosity Week online service for 2025 will be broadcast on Sunday 28th September.

Daily Morning Prayer

Eight Daily Morning Prayer Services (all PDF):

Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4

Day 5

Day 6

Day 7

Day 8

Evening Prayer and Compline

An outline service for Evening Prayer (PDF)

An outline service for Evening Prayer (Word)

An outline service for Compline (PDF).

An outline service for Compline (Word)

Weekly Service Material – Gratitude and Generosity

Eucharist Material

Service of the Word

Service Content Packs

Marketing resources

To help you promote your church’s Generosity Week, we have prepared the following marketing materials:

Style guide and design assets

You are welcome to generate your own resources to support Generosity Week.  If you do, please use these style guidelines to help you

Use the two links below to download the design elements (logos, graphics etc) that you may need. Each link opens the WeTransfer website where you can download everything in one go:

Download Generosity Week PNG file illustrations.

Download various artwork for 2024 Generosity Week.

Promotional flyers

You might like to use this ready-made flyer to promote Generosity Week. You can use it as a download, or in Canva to edit as you wish.

Canva users can access the Canva template for the flyer design using the link below, (you will need to login to your usual Canva account). You can then customise it with your own details, save and then download it.

This editable PDF can also be customised. Download it first, overtype your own text onto page 2 and then save into your usual files before distributing.

Branded email signatures

Branded PowerPoint templates

Download a Generosity Week branded PowerPoint template

Social media graphics

A great way of promoting Generosity Week is to have a link to the Living Generously films from your church social media feed(s). In the files below, you’ll see one graphic for each film, and in a format that is suitable for either Facebook or X (formerly Twitter). 

When you have downloaded each PDF, open it and right click on the artwork for the day you want to promote. Choose 'Export As' and then choose jpeg to change the format to a single image that you can use on that day.

A general image to help you promote any other Generosity Week events you’re holding can be downloaded here. Open the image and click right on it to 'Save Image As' and then rename it to save it into your own files ready to use.

What happens after Generosity Week?

Generosity doesn’t end after Generosity Week. Generosity is at the heart of our faith and we need to continuously consider the steps needed to build a generous church. We have created the following resources to help guide your church: