Clergy Support Trust is a clergy support charity, established in 1655, which provides financial grants to Anglican clergy households in times of poverty, hardship or illness. Eligible beneficiaries include serving and retired Anglican clergy and their families, divorced and separated spouses and civil partners of eligible clergy, and widows, widowers and surviving civil partners of eligible clergy. Support is also currently provided to Anglican ordinands training for ministry in the UK.
Churches' Mutual Credit Union (CMCU) is a mutual society, a savings and loans co-operative owned and controlled by its members. Savings and Loan accounts are available to individuals who hold a recognised position within The Anglican Churches of Great Britain, The Church of Scotland, The United Reformed Church,The Methodist Church of Great Britain, The Catholic Church in England & Wales and The Catholic Church in Scotland in either a paid or voluntary capacity. This includes a wide variety of associations including lay or ordained ministers, church council members, elders, office staff and trustees of church charities including church schools. The CMCU are also able to offer accounts to household members of people who qualify and to retired ministers.
The Henry Smith Charity, founded in 1628, has a programme of grants to assist ordained clergy serving in parochial ministry in England, administered by Diocesan Bishops, from whom full details, including eligibility criteria, are available. The Charity also has a Christian Projects grant programme to support projects that explicitly promote the Christian faith in the UK.
English Clergy Association provides grants areto make a significantly helpful contribution to clergy (and their family’s) enjoyment of human life.
The Cleaver Ordination Candidates Fund supports Anglican ordinands committed to a traditional Catholic understanding of the priesthood and episcopate and offers grants to support candidates exploring a vocation to the priesthood, and undertaking a parish placement as part of this process
Money Advice Service is a government website giving free, impartial advice on money matters including the steps to consider if facing divorce or separation.
State Pension Entitlement This website will help you to calculate your state pension entitlement at retirement.
Turn2us is a charitable service helping people access money available to them through welfare, benefits, grants and other help. It gives a wealth of information.
Elizabeth Finn Trust may provide grants to those facing hardship and savings of under £16,000 or help with nursing home fees.
The Foundation of Edward Storey may provide help, grants and accommodation or offer a number of services to those professionally connected to the Church of England - at the discretion of their Trustees.
Adviceguide is the online help from Citizens Advice Bureau and provides information on your rights covering a range of topics.