Review of the Mission and Pastoral Measure 2011

An image displaying the three kinds of change under the MPM - Pastoral areas, ministry provision, and buildings change

In 2020 the Church Commissioners were asked to review the Mission and Pastoral Measure 2011 (MPM). 

The MPM is a regulatory framework which enables the Church to support the provision of local worship, mission and ministry, and to adpat that provision as circumstances change over time.  We talk about change to pastoral areas, ministry provsion and buildings. In July 2023 Synod overwhelmingly approved the policy proposals set out in GS2315 which recommended the replacement of the existing Measure with a new Measure and suite of secondary legislation. 

The draft legislation has been prepared and will be tabled at the General Synod sessions in February for the first formal stage of the process which is known as 'first consideration'.  Synod will debate the draft legislation and decide if it should pass to the next stage, where a Revision Committee would review the draft and agree amendments. There are four papers; a policy paper (GS2394P) which sets out how the policy proposals in GS2315 have been translated into the draft legislation, the draft Measure (GS2394), the draft Regulations (GS2395) and the explanatory note (GS2394X). 

To find out more see our Frequently Asked Questions.  The background to the review and the previous papers can be found in the supplementary material section below.  

If you have any queries about this programme of work please use the form below (selecting "Review of the Mission and Pastoral Measure 2011"). 

Supplementary Material
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