Message from Bishop Mark Sowerby, chair of PCR2 Project Board


As chair of the PCR2 National Project Board, I am writing write this short note to thank and encourage all our safeguarding teams who are tirelessly working despite the restrictions imposed by COVID-19. Isolated working brings significant challenges, not least in safeguarding, but we also know that the current lockdown has led to an increase in reports of domestic and other abuse and this means the safeguarding work of the Church in every community remains vital. While it is inevitable that some of the face to face work by independent reviewers may be on hold during the restrictions, other work on PCR2 can and must continue and I know dioceses are taking the opportunity to do follow up work with individual parishes.

Can I encourage you to keep this important work on the agenda with diocesan senior teams and if you have any further questions or concerns, do contact the national project managers, Donald Findlater and Colin Perkins (Chichester DSA, seconded to the NST) who can advise. In order to understand the impact of the lockdown on PCR2 Donald and Colin will be contacting a sample selection of dioceses over the coming days.

You will all, I hope, be aware that we have moved the deadline to Spring/Summer 2021 due to the restrictions.

I would like, personally, to thank you for all the work you are doing. Safeguarding is about the mission of the Church, and it is important that we work together and support one another in this.

With prayers for you and all you are doing,

Bishop Mark Sowerby
Chair of the National PCR2 Project Board