On this page you will find answers to some of the common questions people have about the Redress Scheme. While the answers aim to be as clear as possible, there may be gaps in the information provided and you might want to ask a question of the project team. If so, please email [email protected] and a member of the team will respond to your query.
As further decisions are made by the Redress Project Board and progress is made, the FAQs we be updated in a timely fashion to reflect developments so that the information provided below is an accurate summary of the status of the project.
There is not yet any confirmation of when the Scheme will be available to eligible applicants but please be assured that significant progress is being made, especially given the complexities involved, and more information will be made available once a firm timeline is known.
If you have any comments about the FAQs, please email the project team: [email protected]
About the Redress Scheme
Background to the Church of England's Redress Scheme.
Eligibility and Application
Information about the eligibility criteria and application process.
Financial Awards
Information about the financial awards and how they are calculated.
Other Forms of Redress
Information about bespoke redress tailored to your needs.
Previous and Future Claims
Information about how previous or future claims may affect an application.
Medical Information
Information about what medical details you maybe asked to share to support your application.