Section 4: Additional Safeguarding Learning Pathways

CPD stands for Continuing Professional Development (CPD) and is the term used to describe the learning activities professionals engage in to develop and enhance their abilities. It enables learning to become conscious and proactive, rather than passive and reactive.
The Permission to Officiate and Link Person Pathways have all been certified by the The CPD Certification Service.
4.1 Role Specific Pathways
Parish Safeguarding Officer Induction | ||||
Aim | To equip learners with an understanding of the role of the Parish Safeguarding Officer and induct them into key working practices and relationships. | |||
Pre-Requisites | Basic Awareness and Foundation | |||
Delivery | Local delivery using a virtual platform or in-person learning sessions. | |||
Outcomes |
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Required Attendees |
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Recommended Attendees |
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Fidelity to the Pathway | Online / Virtual Delivery | In-person Delivery | ||
This is an induction session. It introduces participants to the role and the safeguarding team, rather than being a learning pathway. Everyone who attends this course must have completed the Basic and Foundation Pathways.
| This is an induction session. It introduces participants to the role and the safeguarding team, rather than a learning pathway. Everyone who attends this course must have completed the Basic and Foundation Pathways.
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Evaluation | Level 3 - Immediate feedback captured at the end of the learning pathway, reflective and practical evaluation tasks. | |||
Permission to Officiate | ||||
Aim | To explore and reflect on the safeguarding dimensions involved in the ministry of these roles. | |||
Pre-Requisites | Basic Awareness and Foundation | |||
Delivery | Local delivery using a virtual platform or in-person learning sessions. | |||
Outcomes |
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Required Attendees | Anyone holding PtO whose role does not meet the Leadership Pathway criterion[1]. Where individuals hold more than one role, or serve more than one Church body, they should train at the highest required level | |||
Recommended Attendees | Not Applicable | |||
Fidelity to the Pathway | Online / Virtual Delivery | In-person Delivery | ||
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Evaluation | Level 3 - Immediate feedback captured at the end of the learning pathway, reflective evaluation tasks. | |||
Link Person | ||||
Aim | To equip learners with an understanding of the role of the Link Person and induct them into key working practices and relationships. | |||
Pre-Requisites | Basic Awareness and Foundation | |||
Delivery | National delivery via Zoom | |||
Outcomes |
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Required Attendees | Anyone undertaking the role of Link Person. | |||
Fidelity to the Pathway | Online / Virtual Delivery | In-person Delivery | ||
Virtual Delivery:
| Not Applicable. | |||
Evaluation | Level 3 - Immediate feedback captured at the end of the learning pathway, reflective evaluation tasks and 360-degree feedback. | |||
Support Person | ||
Aim | To equip learners with an understanding of the role of the Support Person and induct them into key working practices and relationships. | |
Pre-Requisites | Basic Awareness and Foundation | |
Delivery | National delivery via Zoom | |
Outcomes |
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Required Attendees | Persons taking on the role of Support Person | |
Fidelity to the Pathway | Online / Virtual Delivery | In-person Delivery |
Virtual Delivery:
| Not Applicable | |
Evaluation | Level 3 - Immediate feedback captured at the end of the learning pathway, reflective evaluation tasks and 360-degree feedback. |
[1] It is recognised that the exercise of PtO (for both retired clergy and readers) can vary considerably. As the main Safeguarding Leadership Pathway is now targeted at those people “who play a lead role in shaping the culture of the Church body concerned” those with PtO whose role meets this criterion must participate in the main Safeguarding Leadership Pathway. Those with PtO whose role does not meet this criterion must participate in a bespoke PtO Safeguarding Learning Pathway. The decision about which Pathway someone with PtO should take must be made by the Bishop or Dean in consultation with the DSA / CSA and/or safeguarding trainer. The local supervisor (incumbent or rural dean) may also be well placed to assist in identifying the level of involvement of an individual and therefore in which pathway would be most appropriate. For those newly retired, the Pathway individuals take should be decided at the point they start their new role. For existing PtOs a formal decision based on consideration of a person’s role against the above criterion would need to be made within the diocese.
[2] The optimum number of participants for this Pathway is reduced. This is because of the experience of the pathway being significantly enhanced by a smaller group size with additional space to reflect, discuss and explore ideas.
Local delivery of this pathway would be considered if diocese were able to provide assurance that they would co-facilitate alongside a person of lived experience. This would need to be shown through assurance that they had built a relationship of trust between co-trainers, that survivor co-trainers were genuine partners in the co-delivery, not just allocated specific input/slots, and there would need to be careful consideration of the skills and knowledge survivors need to be recruited as co-trainers. Survivor co-facilitators should be enabled to attend a nationally delivered Support Person course as a participant-observer before co-delivering and clear routes for post-session debrief and support, (e.g. offer to pay for extra therapy if needed) should be provided.
4.2 Issue Based Pathways
Domestic Abuse[1] | ||
Aim | To equip participants to engage thoughtfully and proactively with the issue of domestic abuse and those affected. | |
Pre-Requisites | Basic Awareness | |
Delivery | Online Delivery of Raising Awareness (Replica of online material available for in-person delivery in exceptional circumstances) | |
Outcomes |
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Required Attendees |
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Recommended Attendees |
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Fidelity to the Pathway | Online / Virtual Delivery | In-person Delivery |
Raising Awareness - Completed online. |
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Evaluation | Level 2 - Immediate feedback captured at the end of the learning pathway and reflective evaluation tasks. |
[1] This course is intended to build upon the basic awareness course by raising awareness specifically of domestic abuse. Recommendation 26 from the National Report into Past Cases Review 2 states “All church bodies to raise awareness of domestic abuse, including the understanding of the harmful impact of domestic abuse on children.”
4.3 Toolkits
Safer Recruitment and People Management | ||
Aim | To equip participants with an understanding of safer recruitment, including why it is important and when it should be used, and the skills and practices necessary to promote positive safeguarding behaviour (and detect safeguarding risk) once a person is in role. | |
Pre-Requisites | Basic Awareness and Foundation | |
Delivery | Online Pathway (Replica of online material available for in-person delivery in exceptional circumstances) | |
Outcomes |
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Required Attendees |
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Recommended Attendees | Not Applicable | |
Fidelity to the Pathway | Online / Virtual Delivery | In-person Delivery |
Completed online. |
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Evaluation | Level 2 - Immediate feedback captured at the end of the learning pathway and reflective evaluation tasks. |