Safer Recruitment and People Management Guidance

2 minutes read
Safer Recruitment and People Management Guidance
Clare Worrell and Deborah McGovern
This version
Date of approval
22 April 2021
Date of publication
14 June 2021
Planned review date
14 June 2024

This Chapter is the House of Bishops Guidance on Safer Recruitment and People Management which came into effect on the 4th January 2022.

You can browse through the different Sections of the Guidance using the links below, however, this page has been designed to give a better experience and introduction by firstly listening to the short podcast, which explains how the policy is set out, and followed by the short video, which explains why Safer Recruitment and People Management is so important in practice. 


What is the structure of this Guidance? Listen to the introduction below.

Why Safer Recruitment & People Management is important

We know that Safer Recruitment and People Management is an integral part of keeping people safe in the Church. But what does this mean in practice? This short video features people on the ground talking in their own words about their experiences with Safer Recruitment and People Management – why it’s important to them and how they have gone about implementing the new House of Bishop’s Safer Recruitment & People Management Guidance.  The video also features a survivor’s perspective on why this is important.  If you are affected by this reflection, you can contact Safe Spaces. Safe Spaces is a free and independent support service, providing a confidential, personal and safe space for anyone who has been abused by someone in the Church or as a result of their relationship with the Church of England, the Catholic Church in England and Wales or the Church in Wales.