The July meeting of the National Safeguarding Steering Group, NSSG, was chaired by the lead safeguarding bishop, Joanne Grenfell who gave an overview of General Synod items on safeguarding followed by a discussion between members on various issues raised.
The interim chair of the National Safeguarding Panel (NSP), gave an update particularly focusing on the most recent meeting where the scrutiny session was on the national safeguarding standards. The chair also highlighted the appointment of a new permanent chair of the NSP, soon to be announced and introduced the new Terms of Reference. These were approved by the NSSG. The lead bishop thanked both the interim chair and vice chair for their commitment to this scrutiny work.
The national director of safeguarding presented a paper and gave an update focusing on:
- Lessons learnt reviews, particularly Makin (Smyth), noting recent statements
- Trauma informed training for General Synod members
- Threshold for CDM decisions and safeguarding
As part of this item, members also heard about developments and the ongoing constructive work of the independent Safe Spaces service and its governance.
Members received updates on various national safeguarding programmes, including:
- The National Safeguarding Casework Management System particularly around data issues and members had a discussion around roles and responsibilities
- IICSA (Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse) 1 & 8 recommendations – national rollout has been approved for the regional model by both the NSSG and House of Bishops with recruitment underway. Members noted the high interest in these posts. There was also discussion on the independent audit programme.
- National Redress Scheme and ongoing work being run by the Redress Project Board including around data, and evaluation methods as well as looking ahead to how the Scheme will look online (run by the administrator Kennedys) for those survivors and victims who will access this.
Deputy lead safeguarding bishop Robert Springett introduced for further discussion the Terms of Reference for the Theology and Safeguarding working group, originally agreed by the April meeting of NSSG. The update noted that the Group was set up as a primarily theological group to shape how Theology and Safeguarding can be better integrated. It was agreed that the final revised version, following discussion with the group, would be published.
The national deputy director for casework and strategy provided an update on the Learning Lessons Reviews (now called Safeguarding Practice Reviews) conducted by dioceses and cathedrals. Since 2020 the NST has been informed of 12 independent safeguarding reviews conducted in dioceses or cathedrals, all of which were conducted under the LLR guidance and not the new SPR code. There was a discussion around publication, how the recommendations are worked through and the difference between an independent review and learning lessons from safeguarding work.
The national director of safeguarding presented the draft NST strategic plan (2024-2027) developed to explain the work and goals of the NST noting the document is based around the five safeguarding standards. Members discussed the detail of the document and the importance of setting out the medium to long term programme of work in light of ongoing work on the future of safeguarding around independence.