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A Christian presence in every community
181 results found for '16 days activism'
An abandoned builders' yard in the precincts of St Edmundsbury Cathedral has been transformed into an environmentally-friendly outdoor activity centre providing support and nurture for children aged 11 upwards
COMMENT / Revd Canon Dr Sandra Millar talks about how Mother's Day can be hard for some people and how churches can help.
Children are making cut out hearts reminding key workers they are loved to mark St Valentine’s Day.
A prayer to commemorate the 30th anniversary of Stephen Lawrence Day.
A former inmate at Winchester Prison will speak of how the Christian faith changed his life in an Easter Day service streamed into cells across the country this weekend.
St Mark’s Church, Broomhill hosted a glorious celebration of holy Communion on the evening of Ascension Day, during which ten adults were confirmed.
FEATURE / This weekend, an army of volunteers will set to work on preparing Christmas Day lunches to be held in or organised by Church of England parishes.
A church in London has hosted 10 services in just two days as it responded to the challenge of Covid-19 physical distancing restrictions.
A church in Eastbourne has become a radically different kind of church since the UK lockdown.
This World Mental Health Day, Christ Church in Surbiton is among a number of churches delivering a free, six-week, online mental health course to support adults living with mild to moderate depression and anxiety; and those who care for them.