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A Christian presence in every community
7690 results found for 'Advent and Christmas resources'
Learn more about the Church of England's 2022 Advent and Christmas campaign, Follow The Star: The Great Invitation.
We want to help church leaders plan for Advent and Christmas as much as possible in these uncertain times. CPAS has produced three simple guides, full of ideas, that are free and accessible to all leaders.
Templates and useful links for preparing carol services, crib services and prayers at Christmas.
What is Christmas and Advent all about?
Details of the Church of England's Advent and Christmas services.
The Resource Hub is now full of free downloads that could help your church as you prepare for Advent and Christmas. They support this year's theme, 'Follow the Star: Calm and Bright’.
Engage with the Church of England's 2024 Advent and Christmas campaign, Follow The Star: Calm and Bright.
Advent is ‘the final countdown’ to Christmas day and many children will have an Advent calendar to help them count the days. It’s also a really special time for the church. Here’s more about why it’s so special, and some Advent activities for children.
Are you looking for some ideas and inspiration for creating content this Advent and Christmas season? It's important to curate engaging and fun posts to share with your audience, as this is an excellent way to deepen your relationship with them and encourage attendance at your church events and services.
Follow along to learn how to add your Christmas services and events to your church's site on