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A Christian presence in every community
15841 results found for 'Church of England Research and Statistics team'
NEWS / New Church of England statistics for 2014 published today show that just under one million people attend services each week.
More than 9,000 churches offered ‘Church at Home’ worship during the first lockdown
NEWS / Grant awarded to fund research into deepening the faith of families and children attending Messy Churches
The Church Growth Research Programme explored some of the factors that might explain church growth in the Church of England.
The findings of the research provide rich and wide-ranging insights into church growth in the Church of England.
Church Army has appointed a new Director of Research, currently the Church of England's Head of Ministry Development, Dr Tim Ling.
The Church Buildings Council has carried out research on struggling churches. This comes out of our work on church buildings where there is a concern about their future as local centres of worship and mission and where closure is being considered.
NEWS / The number of female clergy in the Church of England continues to rise with more women than men entering training for ordained ministry for the second year running.
New Church of England statistics for 2015, published today, show that just under one million people attend services each week.
New stats from the Church of England show a sharp rise in church attendance figures in 2021 from 2020, though Covid continued to have a marked impact.