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A Christian presence in every community
59 results found for 'Coronavirus guidance'
STATEMENT / Archbishops Council IICSA Opening Statement
Trustees write to Rochester Diocesan Synod following recent motion of no confidence in Archbishop Council safeguarding leadership.
Blog from new lead safeguarding bishop as he takes up the role.
We have been made aware of a complaint to the Charity Commission and of course will cooperate fully with any future process, because we are absolutely committed to the importance of safeguarding throughout the life of the Church of England.
In response to your article ‘CofE is ‘being used’ in campaign against Dean of Christ Church’ I would like to point out that the National Safeguarding Team has no view about, and is not involved in, the wider issues relating to the College and the Dean.
NEWS / Responding Well to Domestic Abuse: Policy and Practice Guidance
Article for Civil Society magazine by lead safeguarding bishop Joanne Woolway Grenfell on safeguarding governance in the Church of England.
Concerns substantiated in Mike Pilavachi investigation - update from joint internal Church investigation by the National Safeguarding Team and diocese of St Albans
Meg Munn, former MP and Government Minister, with a professional background in child and adult safeguarding issues, has been appointed as the first independent chair of the Church of England’s National Safeguarding Panel, (NSP).
A resource to help local churches do some theological thinking around safeguarding has been published today by the Faith and Order Commission (FAOC), in response to a request by the lead bishop for safeguarding, the Rt Rev Paul Butler.