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A Christian presence in every community
398 results found for 'Coronavirus guidance'
Keywords; Net-zero Carbon, Biomass, Diocese of Leeds, Grade II-listed building, Parish Church, Written Case Study
This Guide to parochial fees is published for the information of parochial clergy and parochial church councils.
Keywords; Net-zero Carbon, Heat Pump, Grade II*-listed Building, Diocese of Leicester, Parish Church, Written Case Study
Keywords; Net-zero Carbon, Energy Efficiency, Lighting, Grade II-listed Building, Diocese of Chichester, Parish Church, Written Case Study
Keywords; Net-zero Carbon, Solar Panels, Grade I-listed Building, Diocese of Exeter, Parish Church, Written Case Study
Liturgical resources for Creation and the Environment.
Cathedrals are beautiful historic buildings and living places of worship. They should be open to, and able to be enjoyed by all. Cathedral Chapters have a responsibility, both as Christian places of worship and under the Equality Act 2010, to make reasonable provision for access, including identifying and dealing with any obstacle to accessing your cathedral and its precincts. We can help to support you through this process.
Churches have a responsibility to make sure that, as far as is reasonably possible, their buildings and activities are accessible to everyone. We can help you understand the Equality Act and what it means for your church.
Every actor in the housing market – landowners, developers, landlords, homeowners and tenants, as well as local and central government – has a role to play.
A summary outline of all diocesean Additional Matters Order.