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A Christian presence in every community
336 results found for 'Environment programme'
The Church of England's national environmental programme exists to enable the whole Church to address — in faith, practice, and mission — the issue of climate change and care of creation.
Latest news and updates from the Church of England Environment Programme.
Bringing together leaders and aspiring leaders from all walks of life, the Growing Faith Strategic Leaders' Programme is a chance to explore and deepen your own leadership calling, competence and capacity with a sharp focus on children and young people.
World Environment Day is the UN’s most important day for encouraging worldwide awareness and action for the protection of our environment. Learn about how the Church of England is making changes for the good of the environment.
The Church Buildings Council and Cathedral Fabric Commission for England have agreed and issued a joint statement on how the environment informs their work:
Information about the Diocesan Investment Programme
Prayers for World Environment Day held on 5 June each year.
The National Church Governance Programme Board Membership
The Church Growth Research Programme explored some of the factors that might explain church growth in the Church of England.
Resources and ideas to include creation care and the environment in worship, prayers, liturgy, sermons, teaching, small group and individual Bible study