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A Christian presence in every community
340 results found for 'Environment programme'
The Church of England's national environmental programme exists to enable the whole Church to address — in faith, practice, and mission — the issue of climate change and care of creation.
Join us in a safe space to ask challenging questions and share your reflections with Dr Liza Thompson, chair of Diocese of Rochester's safeguarding advisory panel.
Keywords; Net-zero Carbon, Biomass, Grade II-listed Building, Diocese of Leeds, Parish Church, National Park, Written Case Study
Keywords; Net-zero Carbon, Biomass, Diocese of Leeds, Grade II-listed building, Parish Church, Written Case Study
While the world has become more, not less religious, the daily practice of exercising one’s religion or belief has become harder.
St Cuthman's Church on the Whitehawk Estate in Brighton was on the verge of closing. Following a partnership with another church, it is now a thriving presence in the community.
Keywords; Net-zero Carbon, Heat Pump, Grade II*-listed Building, Diocese of Leicester, Parish Church, Written Case Study
Keywords; Eco Church, Community Engagement, Diocese of Liverpool, Parish Church, Written Case Study, Video, Discussion Questions
Keywords; Net-zero Carbon, Energy Efficiency, Lighting, Grade II-listed Building, Diocese of Chichester, Parish Church, Written Case Study
Keywords; Net-zero Carbon, Solar Panels, Grade I-listed Building, Diocese of Exeter, Parish Church, Written Case Study
Do you want to help your church on its journey to net zero carbon but don’t know where to start?
The Church of England’s Net Zero Carbon Programme can help.