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A Christian presence in every community
2636 results found for 'Lent and Easter'
Learn more about the Church of England's 2025 Lent campaign, Living Hope. This Lent we are encouraged to put down deep roots of hope by connecting with God who is with us at all times.
Canticles from Common Worship: Daily Prayer by The Church of England.
1. Morning Praise from New Patterns for Worship by The Church of England.
This summer it’s been wonderful to see so many churches join in with the #ChurchDoorChallenge and share pictures of their interesting, beautiful or quirky doors with us. Here’s a selection of our favourite doors that have been shared so far.
10. Light to the World: Holy Communion in Epiphany
How can you use Facebook Groups as part of your community strategy?
A logo defines and represents the personality and image of a church, company or organisation. Discover 10 tips for designing your own logo.
Video content is an online trend that has accelerated throughout 2019 and will continue into 2020.