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1088 results found for 'Lent church resources'
Thousands of people will take action to help tackle Climate Change as part of the Church of England’s first ever official green Lent campaign, launched today by the Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby.
‘Switch off the floodlights’, ‘turn down the heating’, and ‘plant a tree’ all calls to action as part of the Church of England’s first ever Green Lent campaign starting today.
Churches across England now have access to free resources to help them engage with the Commonwealth Games, which is to be held in Birmingham in summer 2022.
Safeguarding resources, for use in churches across the country, including Bible readings, prayers and suggested hymns, chosen in consultation with survivors, have been published today
FEATURE / We’re delighted that LentPilgim and EasterPilgrim had an overall reach of 6.9 million through the national Church’s social media accounts, the app, email and Alexa.
COMMENT / The Rt Revd Libby Lane, Bishop of Stockport on Towards a Safer Church: resources for prayer and reflection in worship
Reducing meat consumption is a great way to respond to the Climate Emergency; cutting carbon impacts while saving money and potentially improving health.
Safe Spaces, the free, independent national support service for victims and survivors of church-related abuse, have produced new posters for churches to signpost to their free confidential helpline.
Learning to listen to those you disagree with can often be a fraught task, but faith can enable deep connections to form despite difference, according to Christian podcasters.
New core materials including nine daily podcasts are now available to enable congregations to take part in Generosity Week.