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33 results found for 'Lent reflections'
The Church of England’s Pensions Board has awarded a new national repairs and maintenance contract to OCS, a leading Hard Services and property maintenance solutions provider.
The Church of England Pensions Board, a UK asset owner and a long-term shareholder in Anglo American, has today issued a statement on potential take-over bids for Anglo.
Comment by Isobel Mitchell, Responsible Investment Analyst, Church Commissioners for England.
The Board of Governors of the Church Commissioners has warmly welcomed the report of the independent Oversight Group, the recommendations from which will shape the new Fund for Healing, Repair and Justice.
The Church of England Pensions Board today published its 2023 Stewardship Report, focusing on four key themes: Systemic Stewardship, Investing for a Sustainable World, Investing For a Just World, and Good Governance.
The Church of England has today launched new resources to help churches to take part in ‘Generosity Week.’
NEWS / Adam Matthews has been appointed to a new senior executive position as the Director of Ethics and Engagement for the Church of England Pensions Board.
New core materials including nine daily podcasts are now available to enable congregations to take part in Generosity Week.
The Church Commissioners for England have received three awards at the IPE (Investment & Pensions Europe) Awards held last Thursday in Berlin, recognising their industry-leading work on responsible investment.
A group of leading global investors has developed investor expectations for the banking sector through the Institutional Investors Group on Climate Change, calling on banking firms to set enhanced net zero targets for 2050 or sooner.