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A Christian presence in every community
788 results found for 'Resources for Lent'
16 Days of Activism against Gender-based Violence is a global campaign to inspire people to learn, reflect and take action to end gender-based violence and all forms of abuse.
Mothers' Union and Women's Aid have come together to create alliances within communities to help them better respond to domestic abuse.
Men experience domestic abuse too. Today's video captures the experience of one male, exploring his experiences.
Child to Parent Abuse effects 3% of households in the UK and remains in some communities unvoiced. Donna’s experience is captured in today’s video to help raise awareness of Child to Parent Abuse.
On day 7, we explore the reality and impact of stalking.
This guide offers you just some ideas for being a great godparent. You may have many more ideas of your own along the way.
This Guide to parochial fees is published for the information of parochial clergy and parochial church councils.
Keywords; Net-zero Carbon, Heat Pump, Grade II*-listed Building, Diocese of Leicester, Parish Church, Written Case Study
If you’ve seen banners or posters advertising a Messy Church near to you but you’re not sure what it’s about, find out how you can get involved.
Do you want to help your church on its journey to net zero carbon but don’t know where to start?
The Church of England’s Net Zero Carbon Programme can help.