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134 results found for 'Weekly online services'
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The National Survivor Participation Framework is a guide for any Church body and any victim or survivor who participates or wants to participate in making safeguarding changes in the Church of England.
Information of has been received of sexual abuse and coercive and controlling behaviour concerning the Revd David Fletcher (deceased) towards women and girls.
Statements following the announcement that Bishop John Perumbalath will resign as Bishop of Liverpool.
Statement provided in response to an item on Channel 4 news this evening about the Bishop of Liverpool, John Perumbalath.
Response from Joanne Grenfell, the Lead Bishop for Safeguarding, to a statement from the Charity Commission.
Archbishops welcome publication of Future of Church Safeguarding Report.
Redress Project Board to give careful thought to eligibility criteria in light of Makin Report.
Clarification on points made on BBC Radio 4 by Professor Alexis Jay relating to work on independence and safeguarding in the Church of England
Church of England response to BBC File on Four Programme relating to the David Tudor, a priest who was prohibited from ministry for life in October.
A response from The Bishop of Stepney, Joanne Grenfell, the Church of England's lead safeguarding bishop.