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A Christian presence in every community
744 results found for 'about archbishops racial justice commission'
Address by Lord Boateng, Chair of the Archbishops' Commission on Racial Justice, at the National Education Conference 2023
A prayer ahead of Racial Justice Sunday this week written by Revd Dr Anderson Jeremiah, a member of the Archbishops’ Anti-Racism Taskforce.
NEWS / Archbishop Commissions Independent Review of Peter Ball Case
NEWS / Response to Lord Justice Goddard announcement.
Church Commissioners’ response to the report and highlights the Church Commissioners’ experience in housebuilding on its land.
The Church of England has appointed Dr Sanjee Perera as Archbishops’ Adviser on Minority Ethnic Anglican Concerns.
A Taskforce set up to make bold changes to ensure greater racial equality in the Church of England has got under way, with the Archbishops of Canterbury and York joining its meeting today.
Investor Commission advised by UN Environment Programme, to develop ambitious agenda to ensure growth in mineral demand does zero harm to people and the environment
The Archbishop of Canterbury has paid tribute to the Archbishop of York in General Synod earlier today at what would have been his final Synod.
Church organisations are being invited to give their views on action that could be taken to ensure greater racial equality in the Church of England, as part of work by the Anti-Racism Taskforce.