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A Christian presence in every community
1264 results found for 'about archbishops racial justice commission'
Setting out a compelling agenda for change, in careful gospel-driven discernment, balancing the needs of individuals, communities, and society, maximising opportunities, and ensuring fairness for all.
Read the latest news about the Racial Justice Commission.
Racial justice and inclusion is a critical priority for the Church of England and is committed to ensuring that our dioceses, clergy and volunteers reflect the communities we are called to serve.
Racial justice is a major priority for the Church of England and this has implications for the way we do ecumenism. Ecumenism is primarily about unity in diversity, and this should be reflected in the way we function.
Find out more about the commissioners for the Racial Justice Commission.
Racial Justice Sunday is for all churches to reflect on the importance of racial justice, to give thanks for the gifts and beauty of human diversity, and to commit to end racism and acts of discrimination.
The Archbishops of Canterbury and York have established Commissions which have as their remit consideration of aspects of life in England today and the role that the Church of England has to play.
Find out more about the Families and Households Commission.
A reimagination of Britain as a country in which human beings flourish has to put high-quality social care, public and mental health at the heart of its objectives.
This privacy notice is provided by the Archbishops’ Commission on Reimagining Care.