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A Christian presence in every community
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Make a difference by supporting the mission and ministries of the Church of England.
Our churches form the country’s single largest 'estate' of built heritage. Find out more about them on this page.
At the NCIs you will work with great people and effective line managers- people who are supportive, collaborative, and bring a wide breadth of perspectives.
As summer draws to a close, there are beautiful colours to be found everywhere, especially in the leaves that fall from the trees. These are some simple suggestions to enjoy some of the best bits of autumn, wherever you are…
A report to reclaim the very purpose of housing – as the basis for community, and a foundation for human flourishing.
Watch our series of Our faith videos and find out some of the basics of the Christian faith.
What’s the impact on our wellbeing when we hear about the Covid lockdown ending?
6. This is our Story from New Patterns for Worship by The Church of England.
It isn’t just what we do that matters, but also how we do it - together.