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A Christian presence in every community
16460 results found for 'about careers working national church institutions ncis'
There are a number of bodies, collectively known as the National Church Institutions (NCIs), which undertake work for the Church of England.
The National Church Institutions (NCIs) of the Church of England published today its gender pay gap report for 2018.
Data Protection details for the National Church Institutions (NCIs) working on behalf of the Church of England.
Make a difference by supporting the mission and ministries of the Church of England.
The National Church Institutions (NCIs) are committed to maintaining your trust by protecting your personal data.
The Procurement team works for the benefit of all NCIs, we follow the Chartered Institute of Purchasing and Supply (CIPS) guidance on professional practice at all times.
The Church of England is pleased to announce the appointment of Christine Hewitt-Dyer as Director of People for the National Church Institutions.
Home page for the Legal Office of the National Church Institutions
This privacy notice is provided to explain what to expect when the National Church Institutions process your personal information for the purpose of safeguarding, in accordance with UK GDPR.
Terms of reference for the PCR 2 process for the NCIs, including Lambeth Palace and Bishopthorpe Palace.