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The Terms of Reference for the ‘PCR2 Reference Group’ which will oversee Past Cases Review 2 for the National Church Institutions has been published today.
Launch of vital national survey to understand how victims and survivors would like to be involved in the development and implementation of a Church of England survivor engagement framework.
The final stages for publishing a National Register of Clergy, to strengthen safeguarding in the Church of England, are now underway.
New working group will bring together theologians, Church leaders and safeguarding professionals.
Former chief crown prosecutor appointed as the independent chair of National Safeguarding Panel.
The National Survivor Participation Framework is a guide for any Church body and any victim or survivor who participates or wants to participate in making safeguarding changes in the Church of England.
Two new members appointed to the National Safeguarding Panel (NSP)
Letters to Church Times (August 2022) from the Chair of the Redress Board and the Redress Scheme Survivor and Victim Working Group
Interim chair and vice chair appointed to Church’s National Safeguarding Panel
NEWS / Children's Services Director appointed into new role