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A Christian presence in every community
1240 results found for 'about education schools vision education'
Church of England Vision for Education: Deeply Christian, Serving the Common Good.
Promoting education that allows children, young people and adults to live out Jesus' promise of 'life in all its fullness'.
Contact information for the Church of Education Office, diocesan education teams, school contact information, media enquiries and The Church of England Foundation for Educational Leadership.
Information about religious education, Understanding Christianity and Collective Worship in Church of England schools.
Publications, reports and resources from the Church of England Education Office.
Faith in Higher Education is offered to all involved in higher education, especially those who lead and work in it.
Faith sensitive and inclusive Relationships Education, Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) and Health Education (RSHE)
Information and resources for Church of England schools
The National Society for Education is deeply committed to education through developing school leaders, shaping policy, and growing faith.
The church has always been involved in higher education through university chaplaincy, higher education policy and more.
In 2015/16, Presence & Engagement and the Queen's Foundation for Theological Education received funding from Common Awards for a joint research project.