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A Christian presence in every community
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The day-to-day management of the Commissioners is delegated to Gareth Mostyn. He is supported in his role by a senior management group and the wider staff team.
Leadership and staff of the Church of England's Racial Justice Unit.
Senior leadership learning and development team provide learning and development opportunities to clergy holding senior positions. Equipping them for the significant missional challenges of leading the Church of England.
The Diocese of Manchester is receiving a Strategic Development Fund (SDF) grant for a project to grow sixteen new churches in six years through a network of small churches called the Antioch Network Manchester.
A leadership development programme for Chief Executives of Multi Academy Trusts has been launched drawing on expertise from the Church of England, academia and the City.
The Department for Education has announced that a partnership between The Church of England and the Catholic Church will provide part of the Government’s reformed National Professional Qualification training for teachers from September 2021.
Diocesan education directors are being offered a formal training programme for the first time in a new initiative drawing on lessons from training for headteachers.
The Church of England’s Education Office has achieved 'Outstanding' in all categories following a recent Ofsted inspection covering its delivery of NPQs (National Professional Qualification).
How the leadership and governance of the Church of England is structured.
Reflections from the The Bishop of Norwich, Graham Usher, the Church’s lead bishop for environmental affairs, following COP16.