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A Christian presence in every community
1580 results found for 'about leadership governance church commissioners england who we are leadership'
The day-to-day management of the Commissioners is delegated to Gareth Mostyn. He is supported in his role by a senior management group and the wider staff team.
Leadership and staff of the Church of England's Racial Justice Unit.
Senior leadership learning and development team provide learning and development opportunities to clergy holding senior positions. Equipping them for the significant missional challenges of leading the Church of England.
How the leadership and governance of the Church of England is structured.
More information about key people at the Church Commissioners.
Recent examples of misleading claims about the Church of England which have been shared through traditional media and social media and a brief summary of context.
Information about the governance of safeguarding in the Church of England.
The Church Commissioners provide financial and administrative support to Parishes, Dioceses, Cathedrals and to Bishops.
Digital versions of documents distributed at General Synod in November 2021
Find out more about the commissioners for the Families and Households Commission.