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A Christian presence in every community
15323 results found for 'about leadership governance general synod house laity'
About the House of Laity, one of the three houses that make up General Synod.
Recommendations would reduce the number of National Church Institutions
The General Synod today called on the Government to end the ‘cruel’ experience of so-called ‘pauper' funerals in a debate where members heard of the plight of those unable to afford funeral costs.
About General Synod, including brief summary of the membership and the legislative process.
General Synod has thanked the authors of a report proposing possible changes to the governance structures of the Church of England’s National Church Institutions.
How the leadership and governance of the Church of England is structured.
The Church of England needs to undergo a major "culture shift" to mobilise lay members to spread the gospel in their everyday lives, a new report being presented to members of the General Synod argues.
The General Synod has called on the Government to reduce the maximum stake on Fixed Odds Betting Terminals (FOBTs) to £2 in a debate where members heard of the "huge suffering" caused by the machines.
A detailed agenda and papers for the first meeting of the 11th General Synod of the Church of England next month have been published.
The first ad campaign to encourage people to stand for election to the General Synod has been launched in a drive to attract a broad range of voices to the Church of England’s national decision-making body.