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The General Synod of The Church of England has approved legislation following the Archbishop’s Commission on the relationship of the Channel Islands to the wider Church of England.
The General Synod today called on the Government to end the ‘cruel’ experience of so-called ‘pauper' funerals in a debate where members heard of the plight of those unable to afford funeral costs.
New legislation governing Diocesan Boards of Education (DBEs), which oversee and support Church of England schools, has received final approval from General Synod.
NEWS / Synod voted today that proposals for draft legislation to enable the Church of England to deal more effectively with safeguarding issues be brought forward.
Summary of presentation on safeguarding independence and synod debate on safeguarding
A special session of the Church of England General Synod, needed to pass urgent legislation enabling Synod to continue to operate amid the challenges of the pandemic, will go ahead in London on Thursday.
Members of the Church of England's General Synod are to meet remotely for the first time, in response to the restrictions in place because of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Safeguarding presentation to General Synod from national safeguarding director Alexander Kubeyinje and lead safeguarding bishop Jonathan Gibbs
General Synod votes to enact IICSA recommendation on Diocesan Safeguarding Officers
General Synod today voted on the next steps following the publication of independent reports on safeguarding