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A Christian presence in every community
1457 results found for 'about policy thinking our views race ethnicity'
The story of your relationship as a couple may have begun fairly recently or years ago. Either way, getting married is a whole new beginning for you, your family and others in your life.
Christian contributions to public debate.
The Church of England website privacy policy.
Free Thinking papers stimulate theological reflection on the implementation of Setting God's People Free
This section contains information about guidance relating to family friendly policies.
Anglican Minority Ethnic Network (AMEN) is an independent group promoting the presence and participation of Minority Ethnic Anglicans in all structures of the Church of England in the service of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Key policy and practice guidance documents which inform the Church of England's safeguarding work.
The purpose of this toolkit is to raise awareness and to provide information for Church leaders, Church workers and Chaplains to assist them in gaining a better understanding of issues relevant to UK Minority Ethnic mental health.
This Website acceptable use policy tells you what are the permitted uses and prohibited uses and the general terms of use on which you may make use of the Church of England website
Our role of the Committee for Minority Ethnic Anglican Concerns (CMEAC) is to identify, monitor and take forward concerns of BAME Anglicans and make recommendations for change.