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A Christian presence in every community
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Churchyards display a variety of historic structures, many listed in their own right. The good management of a churchyard needs to take into account a range of issues, from the burial rights of parishioners to the wildlife management of the churchyard.
These records management guides have been researched and produced to help parishes, dioceses, bishops and cathedrals to develop best practice.
The General Synod consists of the House of Bishops, the House of Clergy and the House of Laity.
Past Reports of Proceedings; a record of the Business Done at each group of sessions and the electronic voting results for individual items.
Information and documents can be found here regarding the Church Commissioners' role in parsonages and glebe transactions.
You can research the history of your church building online using the Church Heritage Record and, if your diocese has signed up for it, apply for faculty online, too. We’ve created digital tools to help you.
Grants for the conservation of historic church interiors & churchyard structures in partnership with the NLHF, Pilgrim Trust, Radcliffe Trust, Oswald Allen Bequest, Worshipful Company of Goldsmiths, Gunnis Fund & the Anglican Parish Churches Fund
As summer draws to a close, there are beautiful colours to be found everywhere, especially in the leaves that fall from the trees. These are some simple suggestions to enjoy some of the best bits of autumn, wherever you are…
Marriage is one of the most serious commitments two people can make to each other. It's also an amazing adventure. Read on to find out more about being, as well as getting, married.