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Following the establishment of the National Safeguarding Team in 2015 - replacing a 0.5 national post - the Archbishops' Council has recently reviewed its structure and after consultation will be advertising for a Director of Safeguarding.
New working group will bring together theologians, Church leaders and safeguarding professionals.
Statement on publication of ISB annual report
STATEMENT / IICSA response by members of the House of Bishops
From the Bishop of Huddersfield, Jonathan Gibbs, the Church of England’s lead safeguarding bishop and Melissa Caslake the Church’s national director of safeguarding.
Following the publication (Oct 6) of its overarching IICSA report, the Church’s national governing bodies have all endorsed a motion apologising to victims and survivors and committing to urgently implementing the six IICSA recommendations. There will be a particular focus on independent safeguarding and redress for survivors and victims
The Church of England has today published its detailed responses to the recommendations of the IICSA report from October.
A Betrayal of Trust, the independent report into the Church's handling of the allegations concerning the late Hubert Victor Whitsey, former Bishop of Chester, was published in October.
An Abuse of Faith, the independent report by Dame Moira Gibb into the Church's handling of the Bishop Peter Ball case, has been published today.
General Synod votes to enact IICSA recommendation on Diocesan Safeguarding Officers