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A Christian presence in every community
14942 results found for 'about work other faiths'
Discover more about Living in Love and Faith. Christian teaching and learning about identity, sexuality, relationships and marriage.
For many people connecting faith and work isn’t as natural as we might think. Nick Shepherd explores how we can share our faith digitally.
FEATURE / Visit My Mosque Day is an initiative established in 2015 to encourage people of all faiths and none to step inside a mosque.
Nick Shepherd, shares how a simple prompt can encourage a church on their Everyday Faith journey, and how digital plays it's part.
Every Christian has a vital role to play in sharing their faith with others, first Call issued by Anglican Bishops from across the world at Lambeth Conference says
Not sure where to begin? There are so many helpful resources looking at why and how Christians should get to know their neighbours of different faiths.
Working groups taking forward proposals for the Church of England on identity, sexuality, relationships and marriage up and running.
FEATURE / Kat Brealey, Presence & Engagement’s National Coordinator speaks on the programme’s work and its future projects.
Sarah Tapp, a curate of a charismatic and evangelical church, is encouraging others to take part in Living in Love and Faith (LLF) following the completion of courses in her parish.
Bishops and other Pastors from Common Worship: Festivals by The Church of England.