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A Christian presence in every community
393 results found for 'about work with other christian churches'
FEATURE / On Saturday afternoon, around and during the England football match (!), the Digital and Church House Publishing teams updated General Synod on how we’re supporting local churches and encouraging people into worshipping communities.
By Jonny Baker
FEATURE / A priest from the Diocese of Liverpool is supporting the work of funeral directors and parishes by offering professional, pastoral and compassionate ministers to listen carefully to families who seek to celebrate a life in a unique and bespoke way.
Sarah Tapp, a curate of a charismatic and evangelical church, is encouraging others to take part in Living in Love and Faith (LLF) following the completion of courses in her parish.
With a budget of around 17 pence per head – 20 cents – the Brussels community kitchen works hard to pack as much nutrition as possible into each meal it cooks for refugees while getting maximum value for money.
FEATURE / Visit My Mosque Day is an initiative established in 2015 to encourage people of all faiths and none to step inside a mosque.
Key workers are to be celebrated by poets in a new competition founded by a Christian cleaning company that promotes fair pay and dignity at work.
During the Coronation the King is presented with a number of objects which have a symbolic meaning. These include the Sovereign’s Orb, Sceptres, crowns and sword.
FEATURE / You might have noticed a new acronym popping up all over the place of late – GDPR – or the General Data Protection Regulation. It’s EU legislation that comes into force in May this year.
FEATURE / Kat Brealey, Presence & Engagement’s National Coordinator speaks on the programme’s work and its future projects.