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Joint call issued by Church of England funds, Swedish Public Pension funds, Dutch funds APG and Robeco, New Zealand Super, UK’s LGPS Central and US fund BMO Global Asset Management; together with combined assets over £1 / $1.3 / €1.1 trillion
NEWS / The Church of England Pensions Board today announced the nomination of Clive Mather as the Chair of the Church of England Pension Board for a four-year term.
The Church Commissioners for England announced today the appointment of Sofia Bartholdy as Net Zero Lead, a new role in the Commissioners’ Responsible Investment team.
The Church Commissioners for England, a leading responsible investor with £10.1bn assets under management and signatory to the UK Stewardship Code, announces advances made in impact investing as part of its broader focus on three guiding pillars of work: Respect for the Planet, Respect for People and Corporate Governance.
The Church Commissioners for England is pleased to be recognised by the Royal Welsh Agricultural Society at the 2021 Woodlands Competition.
The Church Commissioners for England with a group of global investors is taking the lead in setting up Nature Action 100.
The Church of England Pensions Board announced today the appointment of Stephen Barrie as Deputy Director of Ethics and Engagement.
The Church of England Pensions Board today announced the appointment of John Ball as its new Chief Executive.
NEWS / The Church of England Pensions Board today announced that it has issued £50 million of bonds, giving it access to a further tranche of long-term finance to purchase additional properties for its clergy retirement housing scheme.
The Church of England Pensions Board ("the Board") has today published its full Annual Report and Accounts for 2015.