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A Christian presence in every community
67 results found for 'articles 1765 printable print'
This opinion piece by Alan Smith, the Church of England's First Church Estates Commissioner, was originally published in the Daily Telegraph on 14 January, 2025.
The Church of England Pensions Board’s Laura Hillis, Director of Climate and Environment, has been elected to the board of the Institutional Investors Group on Climate Change (IIGCC).
Responsible investing in the age of Climate Change and Artificial Intelligence - The role of the Christian Investor.
Talk by Alan Smith, First Church Estates Commissioner, to the 2024 Church Investors Group Conference on 20 November, 2024.
A busy city church has saved thousands of pounds on its energy bills thanks to making a number of small changes to reduce its carbon footprint and help care for God’s creation.
The summit should make good on commitments to tackling climate change, writes Rt Revd Graham Usher, lead Bishop for the environment.
Small changes can make a big difference! Watch our new video and find out how churches, cathedrals and schools are reducing their carbon footprint through tackling green projects bit by bit.
The Bishop of Leicester reflects on lessons from riots in the city in 2022.
Article for Civil Society magazine by lead safeguarding bishop Joanne Woolway Grenfell on safeguarding governance in the Church of England.
Statement from national safeguarding director in response to Church Times article on reviews promised by former ISB (Independent Safeguarding Board).
For 2,000 years Christians have shared the gospel around the world, as Jesus commissioned his disciples to do, and will continue to do so