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A Christian presence in every community
188 results found for 'articles 520 printable print'
A way of planning together: simple, effective, encouraging
We call upon the Church to pray for our nation.
Prayer, conversation-starter and event resources to help churches and communities come together in prayer for the country and the Brexit process. Download documents, materials for local printing and social media graphics.
The Book of Common Prayer (1662). Cambridge University Press, 2006 edition.
These resources are designed for clergy and lay ministers in relation to funerals and bereavement.
These guidelines outline the general rules when using the Church of England's logo and other assets in print and online.
Book t - The Bible of the Pilgrim Course series.
Book 8 - Church & Kingdom of the Pilgrim Course series.
A Church of England funeral is available to everyone, giving support before, during and after the service, for as long as it’s needed.
QR codes allow givers to make instant donations via their phone or mobile device simply by scanning a special code. They are easy to create and will help improve the giving experience.