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A Christian presence in every community
2979 results found for 'articles 700 printable print'
The National Giving Team is here to support your church in enabling giving and encouraging generosity.
Racial justice and inclusion is a critical priority for the Church of England and is committed to ensuring that our dioceses, clergy and volunteers reflect the communities we are called to serve.
The Church of England Pensions Board (CEPB) has agreed a £50m revolving credit facility with NatWest that will help grow its retirement housing portfolio.
The Stations of the Cross have formed part of Christian devotion for many centuries because they offer a particularly vivid way of following in the steps of Jesus on the way to the Cross.
Women of Holy Week is a series of nine stories about nine different, but interlinked, women written by Paula Gooder, originally as Holy Week, Easter and Ascension Day reflections for Southwark Cathedral in 2021.